The Throwbacks - Shaun Brauteseth

Written by
Shaun Brauteseth
A review of this book was compiled by:
Derrick Rudman

A summary of this book:

How the church of today would possibly be unrecognizable to the early church 2000 years ago. How the church has drifted from the blueprint of New Testament Christianity. Shaun is taking us back to the early church so that we can accurately reflect the true church that Jesus has in mind in our day and age. The blueprint is still the same.

What did you like about the book?

Easy to read and many true stories to link.  

What did you not like about this book?

Nothing I didn't like

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

Any Christian hungry for the truth, His truth, His blueprint.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

About the book review author:

Derrick and Leigh Rudman have been married since 2011. They both enjoy anything outdoors, from camping, running, and mountain biking. Derrick works as a sales representative who specializes in pneumatics, hydraulics, and Industrial hosing.

They have been part of Oxygen Life since 2004 and have been on eldership since 2022.