The house of the Lord - Francis Frangipane

Written by
Francis Frangipane
A review of this book was compiled by:
Dean-Smith Belton

A summary of this book:

Francis goes in depth of what it takes for the church to make a difference in our cities. Although he does speak about churches working together, what was far more impactful for me was God's desire to have a holy church before an impact can be felt.

What did you like about the book?

I loved the fact that he says God will cleanse His church first before there can be any impact in the city. There must be cleansing, holiness, prayer, anointing and obedience.

What did you not like about this book?

He talks about local churches working side by side despite their differences. I understand the heart but also know that God gives leaders different visions and so in reality it is difficult to be united in mission, although we united in Christ. Different leaders have different visions within the body.

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

It would be a great read for all. There are no doctrinal issues.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

If someone reads this book, they should be aware of the following...

Just be aware that you must first be united with the vision of the leaders in the congregation that God has added you to, before you are united to a vision of the city-wide church.

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