End of the Spear - Steve Saint

Written by
Steve Saint
A review of this book was compiled by:
Eugene Marais

A summary of this book:

Steve Saint was five years old when his father, missionary pilot Nate Saint, was speared to death by a primitive Ecuadorian tribe. In adulthood, Steve, having left Ecuador for a successful business career in the United States, never imagined making the jungle his home again. But when that same tribe asks him to help them, Steve, his wife, and their teenage children move back to the jungle. There, Steve learns long-buried secrets about his father's murder, confronts difficult choices, and finds himself caught between two worlds.

What did you like about the book?

Steve Saint confronts the difficult, practical outworking of truths in the Bible in his own life with incredible honesty and sincerity. He wrestles with God's sovereign will as he tries to figure out why his dad had to die and his own role in the tribe that killed his dad. One of the men who speared his dad ends up becoming like a father to him. It's a phenomenal display of forgiveness and God's redemption. It's a very easy read because it's such a gripping story and Steve Saint writes beautifully.

What did you not like about this book?

I loved everything about this book.

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

Anyone! It's relevant to everyone because forgiveness and God's love for every person is at the heart of it.

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

If someone reads this book, they should be aware of the following...

Keep some tissues close

About the book review author:

Eugene and Jess Marias have been married since 2008 and have 4 kids, Jethro, Immi, Samuel and Jaylin. They have been part of Oxygen Life since 2005. Eugene and Jess have been an eldership couple since 2012, and now lead both the Western Suburbs and Despacth congregation.